USE CASE 8 – Mountainous valley grid operating in island mode

2020-01-31T09:25:33+00:00January 20th, 2020|

description In this use case, the operation of a portion of MV network in islanded mode (i.e., disconnected from the main power system) will studied and tested on field. The islanded operation will be made possible through the use of the active power control capabilities of Distributed Generators [...]

USE CASE 7 – Dispatching platform for MV generation

2020-01-31T09:24:35+00:00January 20th, 2020|

description Analogously to UC1, an update of the functionalities of the Secondary Substations will be done through the implementation of the EB in different substations. This will serve as a prove of concept for replicability of the solutions deployed in Spain, to ensure that it can also operate [...]

USE CASE 6 – Virtual Energy Storage for urban building

2020-01-31T09:23:28+00:00January 20th, 2020|

description FLEXIGRID will provide models, techniques and optimisation algorithms to provide a smart VTES-coupled heating solution combining optimally TES and P2H technologies. Dynamic building thermal inertia models will be configured to reflect the thermal behaviour of buildings under varying usage constraints (e.g. operations, occupancy) and building envelope characteristics. [...]

USE CASE 5 – Coordinating distribution network flexibility assets & protections schemes in urban district

2020-07-24T08:40:29+00:00January 20th, 2020|

description A ready-to-use tool for optimal selection of distribution network operating points by utilizing flexibility services for provision of distribution-level ancillary services (network peak reduction, voltage stability, N-1 criterion); defining optimal topology for operation of the distribution network based on switching states of the distribution network topology (reducing [...]

USE CASE 4 – Microgrid congestion management and peak shaving

2020-01-31T09:21:08+00:00January 20th, 2020|

description This use case will analyse the requirements and develop appropriate processes for 1) peak shaving at the substation level to reduce network charges and losses stabilising where possible the output from variable renewable sources; 2) congestion management at the substation level to support the upstream distribution network [...]