FLEXIGRID Virtual panel on ensuring a flexible distribution system for end-consumers gathered over 40 stakeholders
On May 26th, a virtual panel discussion on ''How and why should we contribute to creating a flexible distribution system?'' was hosted by the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (FER) together with HEP-Operator distribucijskog sustava d.o.o. (the Croatian distribution system operator). Opening the event, Associate Professor Hrvoje Pandžić (FER's [...]
More than 50 experts in smart grids gather at a stakeholder event organized by FLEXIGRID
The virtual event organised by the FLEXIGRID project on 26th March brought together more than 50 smart grid experts. The event, conceived as a space for discussion and interaction between participants, as in the case of the face-to-face events, was a great success and served to put the challenges of [...]
FLEXIGRID strengthens ties between EU and Brazil at a conference to promote scientific collaboration
The FLEXIGRID project has contributed to strengthen the scientific collaboration between EU and Brazil through its participation in the conference 'Fostering STI twinning activities between EU and Brazil', which was held online on 22 May. The conference brought together Brazilian and European scientists and authorities who are involved in the [...]
FLEXIGRID reinforces its positioning in Smart grids with its participation in BRIDGE H2020
The project presents at the annual meeting of BRIDGE H2020 organised by the European Commission a set of solutions to address the challenges for reliability, stability and security of supply that the electricity grid is expected to face The FLEXIGRID project has been presented in the General Assembly of the [...]
USE CASE 8 – Mountainous valley grid operating in island mode
description In this use case, the operation of a portion of MV network in islanded mode (i.e., disconnected from the main power system) will studied and tested on field. The islanded operation will be made possible through the use of the active power control capabilities of Distributed Generators [...]
USE CASE 7 – Dispatching platform for MV generation
description Analogously to UC1, an update of the functionalities of the Secondary Substations will be done through the implementation of the EB in different substations. This will serve as a prove of concept for replicability of the solutions deployed in Spain, to ensure that it can also operate [...]