The FLEXIGRID project has contributed to strengthen the scientific collaboration between EU and Brazil through its participation in the conference ‘Fostering STI twinning activities between EU and Brazil’, which was held online on 22 May. The conference brought together Brazilian and European scientists and authorities who are involved in the development of scientific, technological and innovation (ST&I) policies and researches through the close bilateral relationship between the parties, with an emphasis on research that seeks solutions to combat COVID-19, and for the areas of Energy, Agriculture and Environment.
Samuel Borroy, coordinator of the European project FLEXIGRID and Electrical Systems Area Director at CIRCE Foundation, was in charge of presenting the project, which aims to allow the distribution grid to operate in a secure and stable manner when a large share of variable generation electricity sources is connected to low and medium voltage grids. To do so, FLEXIGRID proposes a three-level approach aiming at flexibility, reliability and economic efficiency through the development of innovative hardware and software solutions. These solutions will be demonstrated in four Demo-Sites across Europe ensuring their interoperability through its integration into an open source platform able to harmonize the data flow between FLEXIGRID solutions and the real grid.
The project “Promotion of ITS twinning activities between the EU and Brazil” was implemented since last year, under the auspices of the European Union – Brazil Sector Dialogues, a cooperation instrument that aims to strengthen the strategic partnership between the parties, based on the principles of reciprocity, complementarity and mutual interest. The dialogues aim at improving the exchange of knowledge, experiences and best practices at the technical and political level, around the main areas of interest of both parties.