HEP-Operator distribucijskog sustava d.o.o. (abbreviation: HEP-ODS) is an electricity distribution system operator in the Republic of Croatia. HEP-ODS is a member company of the HEP Group, a national energy company which is engaged in the production, distribution and supply of electricity as well as distribution and supply of thermal energy and natural gas. HEP-ODS has the licence to carry out electricity distribution as a public service.
HEP-ODS is responsible for the quality of electrical energy supplied to all end users and guarantees the security of electrical energy supply. The jurisdictions of HEP-ODS are maintenance, construction and development of distribution network, which includes voltage levels of 35, 30, 20, 10 and 0,4 kV, as well as ensuring the long-term ability of the network to meet future requirements for network access.
In performing its functions HEP-ODS cooperates with all energy market participants in accordance with the regulations in the field of electricity distribution and Croatian Energy Regulatory Agency (HERA). As a part of HEP Group, HEP-ODS is a member of EURELECTRIC and CEEP.
In the next ten years, the focus of investments will be in the medium and low-voltage network, which is in line with the strategic guidelines as it provides:
• Enhancement of the overall network reliability,
• Losses reduction,
• Readiness of the network for the reception of distributed generation,
• Improving voltage conditions by transitioning to the 20 kV medium voltage network,
• Reducing the average length of low voltage network relative to substation.
As the only electricity distribution system operator in the Republic of Croatia, over the years HEP-ODS has acquired large experience in development, maintenance and operation of the distribution network.
• Operation of the distribution grid in an effective manner, maintaining the required reliability of electricity supply and the quality of supply as well as coordinating the operation of the coordinated 110 kV grid in cooperation with the TSO,
• Expertise in developing, integrating and maintaining of process data and communication infrastructure,
• Managing the electricity flows in the distribution system and cooperating with TSO with respect to the management of electricity flows in the coordinated 110 kV grid,
• Maintenance of electricity quality parameters,
• Implementation of smart metering,
• The use, maintenance and repair of the distribution grid in a way that ensures the reliability of the operation of the operation of the distribution system,
• Planning the development of the distribution grid with a consideration for the projects related to energy efficiency, energy demand-side management and the development of the generating capacity connected to the distribution grid,
• Providing grid access according to regulated, transparent and non-discriminatory principles.
Elektra Zagreb (HEP-ODS d.o.o. Elektra Zagreb) is the largest distribution control area managing the distribution network for the geographical area covering the capital city Zagreb and its surroundings.
main tasks and responsibilities within the project
The role of the HEP-ODS Elektra Zagreb team is to select the optimal part of the power grid for analysis in the pilot project. Our expert team will take part in a pilot project with their expertise by collecting all data for the selected customer (consumption, production, required protection…) and all other project-related parts of the distribution grid.