Grid Flexibility from three levels: flexibility, reliability and economic efficiency through the development of innovative hardware and software solutions
The FLEXIGRID research project, spanning four years, aimed to enhance the flexibility, reliability, and economic efficiency of distribution grids. As the world shifts towards sustainable energy, integrating variable generation sources like wind and solar into low and medium voltage grids posed challenges.
The project’s culmination was the event “Flexibility In Smart Grids: Interoperable solutions for the electric grids of the future” celebrated in Zaragoza on September 28th. It brought together over 50 experts, including representatives from DSOs, TSOs, manufacturers, and associations. Samuel Borroy, the head of the Smart Grids team at the CIRCE Technological Center, was responsible for opening the event, followed by presentations from project leaders representing demo sites in Spain, Greece, Croatia, and Italy. The University of Cantabria explained the details of the Spanish demo site, MOH did the same for the Greek demo, HEP-ODS was in charge of presenting the Croatian demo, and finally, EDYNA showcased the Italian one.
Smart Grids and Flexibility by the eyes of experts
In the pursuit of innovative solutions, a panel of distinguished experts in Smart Grids engaged in three dynamic roundtable discussions, providing profound insights into the industry’s evolving needs and the challenges surrounding flexibility.
The inaugural roundtable saw luminaries such as Juan Peiró (REE), Moises Canles (VIESGO-EDP Spain), Pablo Blazquez (Cuerva), and Diego Martinez (CIRCE) present their perspectives on the electrical grid’s context and flexibility needs. Guiding this discourse was David Rivas, the esteemed leader of CIRCE’s Distributed Energy Resources group.
Subsequently, the spotlight shifted to the Manufacturers of electrical equipment and solutions, with distinguished representatives including Roberto Cimadevilla (ZIV), Jon Aguirre (Ormazabal), Guiacomo Della Croce (Selta-DP), and Juan María García (Ingeteam) sharing their insights on flexibility needs. Laura Gimenez, the director of CIRCE’s Electric Grid Infrastructures group, moderated this round table.
Concluding the thought-provoking discussions, the focus turned to the intricate regulatory aspects of flexibility. Under the astute moderation of Paula Mazzuccheli, CIRCE’s representative in Brussels, the perspectives of Javier Rodrigo (OMIE), Carlos Alonso (Batteryplat), Marta Castro (AELEC), and Lucia Garín (Urbener) were artfully woven together to highlight the multifaceted regulatory challenges confronting the grid from both organizational and private enterprise standpoints.
The FLEXIGRID project has come to a successful conclusion, leaving a lasting impact on the field of smart grids and distribution systems. By focusing on flexibility, reliability, and economic efficiency, FLEXIGRID has paved the way for a more resilient, adaptable, and sustainable energy future. The innovations and insights gained through this project will continue to shape the evolution of distribution grids, providing consumers with a reliable and efficient source of electricity, even as the energy landscape undergoes transformative changes. The challenges remain, but the groundwork laid by FLEXIGRID offers a promising path forward in addressing the grid flexibility challenges of the 21st century.
Consortium partners:
2 Universities: UNICAN and UNIZG-FER
1 Association: CAPENERGIES